Summer is on its way, and now is the time to get glowing skin like never before. It can be difficult for those who have dry skin or greasy pores. Putting make up on can only make your skin look glowing for a while, not for a long term. To maintain a healthy glowing skin naturally for long term can be attained easily by doing simple things at your home.
The market is full of numerous skin and beauty care products, nothing compares to the goodness and wholesomeness of natural products. So, get ready for some of the simplest things which can make your skin look awesome as never before..
- Drink Water
- Regular Exercise
- Magical Aloe Vera
- Rose Water
- Fruits and Veggies
- Sleep
1. Drink Water- It helps in improving body’s overall health and keeps our skin look refreshing. It also helps in maintaining our skin’s elasticity.
Regular Exercise- Regular exercise is the key to young and healthy skin. Sweat from exercise promotes the removal of toxins through perspiration. It helps in improving blood circulation and thus imparts a healthy glow.
Magical Aloe Vera- There are hundreds of aloe vera products available in the market, but none of them matches the benefits given from fresh aloe vera. It is a paramount source of vitamins and antioxidants which are good for our skin. It also fights skin-ageing, reduce infection and face acne.
Rose Water- It is a mixture of water and rose petals. It is used in many home remedies for skin care. The best thing about rose water is, it is suitable for all skin types. It improves one’s complexion and also reduces skin redness and puffiness.
Fruits and Veggies- Veggies and Fruits rich in Vitamin C and B helps in removing brown spots and dull, flaky skin. Citrus fruits, peppers, kiwis, meat, poultry, eggs are good source of these vitamins.
Sleep- Imagine, to get beautiful skin all you have to do is get 7-8 hours of sleep a day. Skin makes new collagen while we are asleep, which prevents it from sagging and reduces the chances of getting wrinkles.